So how does one begin on the life of a blogger? Do you just start typing till your fingers bleed? Is there a topic I can discuss ad nauseum? Who knows but let's give it a shot. Let's start with traveling and kids. Being a father has been one of the greatest joys of my life. Is it a challenge? Do I feel like I am getting it all wrong? Boy, I could talk for days about that.... haha. One thing cool is the kiddo and I share is our passion for history. Now there is one downside to that. His mom, the better half and yes I do mean that, is not a fan of history. So where have we taken him?
How about this list??
Machu Picchu
Where do I want to go next?
Mesa Verde
Monte Alban
So let's discuss some of those trips and what you can do to take your kids so if you are a homeschool family you get a joy of taking your kids on field trips that will really sink into their minds. They don't have to just read or watch it on TV. They get to EXPERIENCE it. So let's begin with a few posts on how and where to stay along with how to use this as a teaching tool for your kid. Now let me start by saying we are a rich family. We have learned how to save as much as we can on trips and hopefully, I can share them with you.